“毫无疑问,鲁班工坊将会促进乌干达的工业化进程”,乌干达科学、技术和创新部长Elidoa Tumweisigye 博士这样认为,他又说,“该工坊也会促进乌干达乃至非洲的经济发展”
无论在周末还是节假日,我总是喜欢去农村去看看,在这里可以亲近农民和了解他们的日常生活。他们用木炭做饭、养着土鸡、用公用的压水井取水。村子里有很多大大小小的咖啡树,其实家家户户种咖啡树不足为奇。咖啡,是一门利润丰厚的全球化生意:农民靠它养家;外贸公司靠它盈利;在超市里,你会看到众多乌干达本土品牌的袋装烘烤咖啡;在首都坎帕拉的Village Mall咖啡厅里,我们喝了一杯拿铁咖啡,对这个国家的税收增长也做了点贡献:红无疑问,咖啡,在乌干达是支柱产业,是税收的重要来源。
除了出口的持续增长,咖啡的国内消费也勃勃发展。首都坎帕拉有很多咖啡厅。我曾经住在首都的Kabalagala数月,结束一天的工作后,我会去警察局旁的一个咖啡厅点上一杯咖啡;我也去bugolobi的Village Mall 的咖啡厅,邀上生意伙伴喝杯咖啡。几乎所有的餐厅都供应咖啡。在乌干达咖啡文化已然成型,甚至于农民闲暇之余喝自家研磨的咖啡。
举几个例子。一个凤梨在田间地头售价0.038美金,到了超市售价0.552美金,而一袋120克包装的凤梨干售价在2.5美金。凤梨容易腐烂,而袋装的凤梨干能保存360天。牛油果是另外一个例子,如果卖给跟中东做生意的中间商往往价格很低,但是如果把牛油果提炼出牛油果油,价格就会翻翻。Ho and Mu Foot Technology co.Ltd,这家位于乌干达Luweero的中国公司生产凤梨干、芒果干、菠萝蜜干,这些产品发回中国在天猫商城销售;由乌干达政府投资的Soroti果汁工厂,生产橘子汁、芒果汁和凤梨汁,已经在乌干达国内有了知名度。
The Fantastic Uganda
People from other continents believe that most African countries, especially those countries at Equator are extremely hot. However, this is not the case for Uganda. The country has two dry seasons and two rainy seasons. Even during the dry season, you will need a thick cover to keep you warm during the night, let alone during the rainy season. The average temperature in Uganda all the year round is between 15℃and 30℃, which contrasts to the stereotypes some people have that Africa is burning furnace where one cannot survive without an air conditioner. Uganda on the contrary is a paradise where one can escape to during a snowy winter or a burning summer.
Besides its fantastic weather, Uganda also has abundant natural resources, which provides great potential for tourism. She hosts the second largest fresh water lake in the world – Lake Victoria – which nourishes the West Nile. The country also processes several lakes, rivers, swamps, grasslands, wetlands, woodlands and mountains. There are also several National parks in Uganda, which are home to numerous animals such as elephants, lions, kobs, gorillas, cheetahs, hippos etc, all of which attract tourists from all over the world. Uganda is also home to the Rwenzori Mountains, located within the Queen Elizabeth National Park. The mountain is one of three mountains in Africa on the equator covered with snow. The others are Mt Kenya and Kilimanjaro.
Uganda is also home to over 1,050 bird species ,making it a preferred destination for bird watching in Africa. The number of bird species in Uganda make up 10% of all of the world bird species. Apart from Murchison Falls National Park in the north, Mabamba swamp is also a good location for birding trip.
The wartime British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill christened Uganda the Pearl of Africa and this mantra has been a driving force to attract tourist from across the globe.
Surviving a jail bait
One particular day I was travelling on a “bodaboda” (motorcycle taxi) in the capital city. This rider started to engage me in a conversation. The rider interested me to an unusually jaw dropping and mouthwatering deal. He asked me whether I was interested in trading in gold at very reasonable prices. “I have some gold that has been smuggled from somewhere. I am sure you would make a lot of profit from this deal,” he whispered persuasively to my ears. On hearing his proposition, i was enthusiastic and eager to deal in gold trade and I intrepidly left him with my phone number.
The following day he gave me a call and asked whether I would be able to meet with him at a secret location. I was ambivalent on whether to meet him or not because it was illegal and I could be involved in a criminal act. I immediately called my friend Lee for some advice because he had spent many years in the country. He told me not to live in a dream world and not to put my life in in danger by involving myself in risky businesses such as trading in gold and diamond in Africa. “A danger foreseen is half-avoided,” Lee cautioned me.
Luban Workshop
Luban, a Chinese inventor and carpenter during the Zhou Dynasty 2400 years ago, is revered as the father of builders. When I was a child, I read a story of how Luban invented the saw after his finger was cut and left bleeding by leaves with sharp margins.
Luban Workshop, a project named after the great inventor and designed to provide state-of-the-art technical and vocational training to the African youth, currently has operations in 10 African countries. This initiative was first announced by Chinese Government during the Beijing Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit in September 2018.
The Ugandan branch of the Luban workshop, the sixth out of the 10 in Africa, a joint project between Tianjin Polytechnic University , Uganda Technical College Elgon and Tian Tang Group, was established in December 2020 in Mbale, in eastern Uganda, where the famous Sino-Uganda Industrial Park is based.
The workshop will offer vocational skills training in electrical control, steel making technology, continuous casting technology, refining technology and introduction to metallurgy, among others. The courses they offer cater well to the development of the country. In my view, courses on agro-processing especially the plant extracts can be added if possible.
“Without any doubt, Luban Workshop will enhance Uganda’s industrialization agenda,” said Dr. Elioda Tumweisigye, the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovations.” “The facility will serve the economic development of Uganda and Africa at large,” he added.
Whenever on weekend or on holiday, I always love driving into the countryside where I can be close to the farmers and understand their everyday life. They cook using charcoal, rear chicken and fetch water from bore holes. It is also not surprising to see most households with coffee trees; big and small in their backyards. Coffee is a lucrative business worldwide and farmers can make money by planting them. Exporting companies can benefit greatly from the coffee business. If you go to supermarkets, you will find packed roasted beans labeled with Ugandan coffee brands. Even the cup of Latte coffee we drink at the coffee bar at Village Mall in Kampala contributes to an increase in Uganda’s revenue. Without doubt, coffee is a big part of Uganda’s business and revenue.
There are mainly two types of coffee in Uganda; Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is grown in the eastern slopes of Mount Elgon, the Southwest Rwenzori Mountains and the northwest West Nile region. Robusta, an indigenous species, is grown in the rest of the country. According to the Uganda Coffee Development Authority, coffee exports in February 2021 amounted to 563,763 60-kilo bags, worth US$50.55m. This comprised 500,685 bags of Robusta valued at US$40.96m and 62,078 bags of Arabica valued at US$9.59m. As we can see, Arabica is more valuable than Robusta.
In addition to the increasing volumes of exports, domestic consumption is also booming. There are many emerging cafes selling Ugandan Coffee all over the country, especially in Kampala. I had been living in Kabalagala, a Kampala suburb for some months, I used to drink coffee in a shop close to Kabalagala Police Station after a day’s work and I always visited Village Mall’s Cafe with my friends as we talked business. Almost all restaurants serve coffee. The coffee drinking culture is taking shape in Uganda and even farmers can grind their own coffee beans by themselves at home and relax while drinking the coffee.
Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA), the government agency which regulates coffee is trying it’s best to increase farmers’ income. Farmers are advised to selectively choose red cherries and join cooperatives or form groups for bulking purposes and farmers who stump the old trees will receive fertilizers to boost productivity.
In regards to adding value to coffee, bottled coffee drinks are a good way of adding value save for the restaurant and coffee shops where you can be served with a hot drink.I love coffee and malt – a bottled drink which always replaces my breakfast, though I know it is not a good habit.
Uganda is a country with great potential and with unique weather and diverse topography which nurtures the good quality of coffee. If you have a chance to visit the country, be sure to enjoy a good cup of coffee. That would be a splendid and unforgettable experience.
Work permit charges and Agro-processing Industry
In March, 2021,Uganda’s Ministry of Internal Affairs made some changes on the work permit charges, among which, the visa for Agro-processing reduced to $400 per years compared to the previous $2,500 per year. This is a remarkable incentive the government of Uganda offers to boost the agriculture, specifically the agro-processing area. The measure is aimed at adding more value on the agro produce by attracting more foreign direct investment into processing.
To name a few. One pineapple is priced at $0.138 in the farmland and at $0.552 in the supermarket, while a packed dried pineapple slice with merely 120g is priced at $2.5.A pineapple can be easily rotten but the packed slice has a durable life of 360days.Avocado is another case. It sells cheap to middlemen who operate business with Middle East, but the oil extracted from avocado will create more added values.
Ho And Mu Food Technology (Uganda) Co. Ltd, a Chinese agro-processing enterprise in Luweero, Uganda, sells packed pineapple slices, mango slices, jack fruit slices to China markets with the help of TianMao.com ,the largest Chinese E-Commerce retailer, operated by Alibaba Group. Fruit factory in Soroti, invested by Uganda government, produces juice from oranges, mangoes and pineapples and now its trademark of Teju Juice has been well known in domestic market.
The Uganda government is sparing no effort to adding value of the farmers’ produces. This has always been the best way of increasing farmers’ outcome and earning more forex by exporting. So when we look back to the reductions on the work permit charges, the beneficiaries are not only foreign investors, but also the national agro-processing industry.
Earth Day 2021
The Earth Day is an event celebrated world wide, to demonstrate support for the planet by tackling the issue of deforestation, pollution climate change, among others. The theme for this year is “RESTORING THE ENVIROMENT”. At this point, all stake holders for example politicians, religious , district, local village leaders, schools, and many others realize that the planet is in danger hence needs to join hands to save it.
Forests are a treasure and play a big role in our environment. In addition to absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen we breath, trees can reduce soil erosion and effects of pollution. They are also beneficial to wild life.
For the case of Uganda , aggressive awareness is created especially on deforestation and planting new trees. The youth have been urged to participate in the campaign of ONE TREE PLANTED. The National forest Authority (NFA) is taking tough measures along with security organs to protect the forest by arresting those found cutting trees illegally. Uganda breweries Ltd along with the Ministry of water and Environment have taken an initiative to plant 40 million trees country wide. At the same time Stanbic Bank Uganda is partnering with Roofings group of companies, they took up a campaign and have planted 15,000 trees in over 200 schools across the country. Some Ugandan Businessmen have began to use groundnut and rice husks for charcoal. This would be another way of saving the forest from being cut for the purpose of making charcoal. According to NFA, there was an increase in the coverage of the forest, from 9% in 2015 to 12.4% in 2021. It was an incredible increment ! If the campaigns can be intensified, we could do better to increase the forest coverage.
Plastic is another issue. Despite the fact that plastic materials play a role in our daily life, on the other hand they also impose a big threat to our environment because of “ Our throw away culture”.
A kind of boat made of shoe waste was launched in Lake Victoria to raise awareness about the dangers of plastics by devastating our echo system. A ban should be imposed on the single use of plastics. Biodegradable bags could be an alternative for packaging. Plastic Recycling business should be encouraged by exempting tax because more factories of this nature could open to make use of this plastic waste hence solving the problem of Environmental unfriendly waste. In other words, we need a “Plastic Revolution”.
During the celebration of the Earth day, another issue of concern which shouldn’t have been left out is global warming being the driver as in the emission of green house gases of which 90% composed of carbon dioxide
The great news in the climate change Summit on the Earth day was that leaders vowed to take collective action to the cause of reducing the emissions. China reaffirmed commitments to peak emissions before 2030 and go carbon neutral by 2060. He made a responsible pledge even China is the largest developing and most populated country. Presidents from D.R Congo, Gabon, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria attended the summit which show that African countries are the main stake holders in an effort to tackle climate change threat. Even a country like Gabon which has a 85% coverage of forests joined in to the effort in battling climate change.
Our planet is a shared home , so we need to act now to restore its dignity. Everyday is the Earth day.
Motherland extends vaccine support to nationals in Uganda
It was on January 31, 2021 when the Chinese Embassy in Uganda hosted a colorful Chinese New Year ceremony and distributed Spring Festival packages to Chinese Living in Uganda. The packages contained face shields, masks, hand sanitizers and a letter from the Chinese Ambassador which emphasized that the Chinese Government has always cared about the health and safety of Chinese citizens living abroad. In this, the Ambassador reiterated that it is important for all Chinese citizens living in Uganda to continue maintaining all the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) such as putting on face masks, washing hands with soap and keeping physical social distancing in order to be safe and he urged that among all things life is the most valuable. We were excited and pleased of the gifts we received and the letter the Ambassador presented to us.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, we have continuously received updates on the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Uganda by the China Embassy and also reminders to protect ourselves from COVID-19 and to seek immediate medical attention from the hospitals in case we are not feeling well or suspecting that we have signs of COVID-19.
Wang Yi, China’s foreign affairs minister during a press conference in March 2021 said that China is going to launch a “Spring Sprout Vaccine” program to help secure COVID-19 vaccines for its citizens abroad. This was an exciting and encouraging news to us. In April, we were informed to register online voluntarily and in May we were excited to learn that the vaccines had arrived at Kampala with the help of the Chinese Embassy. It was on 20th, May that I received the first dose of vaccine. Everything was fine with me after I got the jab.
Things changed with the outbreak of the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic. The President of Uganda H.E Yoweri Museveni addressed the nation on June 6th and 18th respectively where he introduced new measures to curb the spread of the virus and a lock down was opted for. Meanwhile, the Chinese leaders in Uganda called on all Chinese nationals to unite and donate funds, medical supplies, sanitizers, etc. to help fellow Chinese stuck in the pandemic. Doctors shared therapies on line with us and warned us to observe the SOPs all the time even after we are injected the incoming second dose of the vaccine in Late June.
On 21st June, I took the second jab of vaccine. I felt Ok after the injection and I am of a belief that the second jab will create more antibodies and protect us as well.
I wish to extend great thanks to our Mother Country for bringing vaccines to us and thanks to “Spring Sprout Vaccine” program, which saves our lives.
Today I am delighted to share with all Ugandans and Chinese friends some exhilarating exercise that I have been rehearsing for the last months since the outbreak of pandemic. The exercise is more of Yoga and follows the traditional Chinese native Taoism. The first step is flapping all parts of your body 7 times starting from the head, face, ears, neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, arm pits, back, waist, groin, thighs, knees then lastly the ankles. Flapping is very good because it improves blood circulation, reduces aging, normalizes blood pressure, and improves the bone density and many others.
The second step is Zhan Zhuang, It means one stands with slightly curved knees and the hands holding the belly, taking a natural deep breath from the bottom of the belly while the hands touch the belly. Generally this exercise is supposed to take 20 to 60 minutes. After completing this exercise, one can experience sweating all over the body and it gives a refreshing feeling. Zhan Zhuang refreshes all parts of the body including the head, lungs, stomach, kidneys, liver etc. In my view, it is the best exercise for all ages, and this is a best way of keeping fit and healthy during the lockdown.